

Interrupting the villains tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Ha! This is perfect. I always liked the Riddler, if just for the fact that he seems so... tragic. He wants to commit these crimes, but at the same time, he just needs to let Batman know!

Chris said...

Riddler needs to have his ass handed to him regularly for being such a doof. I like that DC created Cluemaster just to make Riddler seem less pathetic.

I also like your drawing.

Are you interrupting the villains tomorrow to masturbate?

Axel said...

LOL! nice, but what's the Batman's mailing adress?
the Batman
secret hidey cave
Gotham City....
whats the zip code for Gotham?

Nate Bellegarde said...

I feel like the impetus of the Riddler is that his ego drives him to match his genius against Batman's, like he's sure that this time theres no way Batman will figure it out, but hes always bested, so next time he has to wrack his brain to create an even more intricate puzzle. At least, thats how I'd write him, I don't know if thats how he's truly portrayed... so if he's at all doofy, its not his fault per se.

Benito said...

God, you guys! Don't you read comics?

The Riddler is on the side of good now, working as a private detective.

Benjamin Hall said...

This is rad!

It's almost has a Barton Fink quality to it.

I think it's because he is at home doing the prep work for his riddles in full garb.

Craig Zablo said...

Another classic!

Unknown said...

The drawing captures the artisan side of The Riddler, great one.